An Awesome Proposition

Monday, April 29, 2024

An Awesome Proposition

Let  Me put forth an awesome proposition to you. Each and every individual is never alone as he or she sojourns on the earth plane. Always, each is accompanied by a spiritual guide who loves that one, and is available to guide him or her as that one willingly opens to guidance. I am available to each and every one also, and many others on this side, who love you and want only what’s in your best interest to come forth. 

To fully recognize this  and to get to know Me and/or your own guide, releases you from having to manufacture meaning and forward movement of your own accord. You no longer have to “think up” what to do or to just follow the dictated way of your history or culture there.  As you get to know Me well, you will find divine wisdom and intelligence flowing through you, and you will know perfect next steps to take in your life, in all areas, dear one. Not just in what is called spiritual or religious areas, but in all areas of life— jobs, health, family, partners, marriage, relationships, finances, education— all areas, dear one. You will be moving not to ego dynamics, but to the will of your Maker, which far surpasses what your ego projects out to you there.

You see, dear one, as you open to Me, you open to Transcendent Mind, which is Universal Mind, which is the Mind of Creation there, All issues forth from this Mind and you are included . You are One with this Mind of the Originator, the Source and Center of it All. I, who lived there on the earth plane, serve as the gateway, the open door to the power of this living love, the  meaning of your Source, and so, as you let go of ego and join with Me, you open the floodgates of this love.

 You let go of the solo life and the isolated life and you join with the truth of you there.  How awesome, how wonderful, to know you are never alone ever! Join with Me now, dear one, and experience the Oneness of whom you are! Love will heal, redeem, renew, and transform you, as you could never experience as a solo one there. I love you dearly and know that you are never alone. 

There Is No Separation

You’re not a solo being,

 Existing on your own,

We move as One together,

As One, God’s Mind is known,

This means you use free will there, 

To join within to Me, 

In quiet sublimation, 

You hear authentically. 

Made clear now what God wills there, 

It’s not imposed on you, 

Words of truth are given,

In mind, they ring so true. 

Your life fulfills God’s purpose,

To be His point of light, 

Right there, right where you are, dear,

With love, your light’s so bright. 

Your Oneness means that others, 

Are points of light, there, too. 

All radiate God’s meaning, 

God’s love unfolds anew! 

There is no separation,

You go there not alone, 

All One in truth, My dear one,

 Full grace and glory known!

In closing, I invite you,

To turn within to Me,  

Come home to whom you are, dear, 

As One, authentically. 


04/29/24.  Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.