When All is Said and Done

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

When All Is Said and Done

When all is said and done and you are at the point of leaving the earth plane, you will be ready there. Your departure will not be a surprise event but a planned for and welcomed leaving. You will have felt you have accomplished your mission and your calling and you will look forward for what’s to come. These words are given to the scribe, but truly, many will leave their earthy lives in this way— happy and grateful for the time spent here and for the love felt and experienced, given and received.

Yes, you will be entering the great unknown, but you will not be alone nor without surety and comfort that all is well. It will not be a fearful thing, dear one, but as returning home for you. Each day is a preparation day, a day to let love pour forth in all that you do. In the small things and in the large things, let love accompany you and bring all into perfect order there. I will guide you into what steps to take to make it easier for your loved ones, those left to close out your life there. We will proceed to clean up and clear out what is necessary for the transition. Let us not leave a mess for others and together I will help you in this. 

When all is said and done you will find the step away easy and without pain and without a sadness to be going. Rather, joy will accompany you even in this. You have lived a life with Me and together we have given much to help others. Love has been our light and our lead and has been the healing power in all that has unfolded there. Do not fear, but do not put off preparations either. I love you dearly and know that you are never alone.  

Preparing For Departure

When it’s time to leave, dear one, 

You’ll have an exit plan,

Prepared with Me, in detail,

To complete your full life-span. 

It won’t be a surprise, a fluke,

A happenstance ordeal, 

’Twill be the natural ending point, 

Of physical life, so real.

Let shards of fear be gone, dear, 

When driving, feeling ill, 

Replace them with love’s joining,

You’re following God’s Will.

We’ll have everything in order, 

No confusion left behind,

You’ll make transition easy, 

 For loved ones there to find. 

Your time on earth soon over, 

Why postpone that final day?

Listen dear, and follow, 

 I’m with you all the way. 

Still time to write these messages, 

These poetry lines in verse, 

Still time to witness to My love, 

Good News to all, disperse.

Relax and don’t get anxious, 

Death, it has no sting,

Bask in Love’s sweet Presence, 

Peace and joy ‘twill bring!

And when you say your last goodbye,

To those you love on earth, 

You’ll turn and say ‘Hello’ to those, 

Who welcome your rebirth! 

A Life, a Love, A Presence,

A point of light you be, 

Now dear, and forever, 

Shine forth, radiently!

01/12/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.