Religion: About War or About Love?

Friday, October 20, 2023

Religion: About War or About Love? 

Throughout history, wars have been fought over religion. That which speaks of connection to God, forgiveness and love, right over wrong, and the inherent value of people, is turned into a zealous fight for might and an eradication of those of  a different creed. It is often politicized and seeks for dominance over land and people. It has often been turned into an existential fight for existence, sending multitudes to their death over the millennia.  

Does this mean that religion should be abandoned? No, but it means we should turn to the true religion of the heart. Here, within each one who opens to it, is divine religion inherent in each one. Religio from which the word religion comes from in latin, means a re-binding. We are meant to live from the daily re-binding of our being to our Creator, joined, connected, moving as One.

 We come to know that the meaning of our Creator, Sustainer, is living love, which moves to make all things new. Here, as mankind opens to it, Universal Intelligence can transform even the most hardened ego thought systems of hatred and abuse, of  wars and destruction there. Since Universal Mind moves as a Wholeness, how you carry your mindset makes a difference and affects the Whole.  Do you have hatred in your heart? It affect the Whole, dear one,  Your use of mind is felt throughout the Universe as you send forth love, even in the smallest of ways, it makes a difference to the Whole! 

So our religion, our daily re-binding to the truth of who we are, that is, children of our Source with living love as our meaning, is the way each of us can eradicate the hatred of the separated way, the ego way, the false understandings there, that have caused the wars in the first place. 

You are not helpless in the face of what we see in Israel and Palestine and in other conflicts around the world. How you hold your mind makes a difference, for we are all connected in the most real way, with our Source. Open to living love, and let its power heal the world! I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. (See The Transforming Power of Living Love.)  

True Religion 

Religions of the world,

Serve a function there, 

They point the way to living love,

God’s meaning’s what they share. 

Some emphasize good works there,

Some say faith alone’s what counts,

To pave the way to heaven.

 Sin, they all denounce. 

Those that follow Me, there,

Those who know Me well,

Are not filled with doctrine,

Recite no creeds, nor dwell,

On judging other people,

Whether right or wrong, 

They find the truth within, there,

With Me they do belong. 

They know that our relationship,

Opens up each mind, 

To live from the Transcendent,

Here truth, alone, they find.

You need no arched cathedral,

Nor village church with bells,

Your sanctuary of truth, dear, 

Within your mind it dwells.

Here we join together, 

When you have found your peace, 

Communion with each other, 

All tumult now will cease. 

We open up to Oneness, 

Our Source fills everything,  

Living love our meaning, 

With Joy, our hearts do sing. 

We sing of our completeness, 

Perfect, whole, and free, 

Held in Universal Mind, 

God’s will our destiny. 

Find your true religion, 

As you join with Me, 

Here is God’s fulfillment,

It’s how your meant to be!  


10/20/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.