It's In Our Sacred Union

Monday, November 27, 2023

It’s In Our Sacred Union

Though life with Me is simple,

It never is a bore,

Each moment is a new one, 

God’s blessings wait in store. 

So entwined together,

I’m like a spouse to you, 

A friend, a family member, 

There within, so true. 

There’s comfort in our union,

You feel at One with Me, 

Whatever you encounter,

We face it easily. 

The light of love will lead us,

To follow and do, God’s will,

Together, we feel right on track,

His Purpose to fulfill. 

No hurdle is too high to jump,

No obstacle blocks our way,

The impossible is doable,

Love clears the path each day. 

It’s in our sacred union, 

Where love binds us as One, 

Co-creation happens, 

’Tis how God’s will is done! 

So never choose to go alone,

Give up the ego’s sway. 

We’ll rapture in God’s goodness, 

Joined, as One, God’s way! 

In closing, I affirm, dear,

These words are solid, true, 

I am with you always, 

Forever joined with you!

11/27/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others about this website.