Preparation Called For!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Preparation Called For 

 Looming on the horizon is an event that will call for your inner strength and courage to come forth. You will be called on to build anew in almost every area of your life. Not off in the future, in some distant part of the world, and not what could be called just a rearrangement of what is already there, but a whole new way of living live will be called for. You will be called on to let your creative energies come forth as if you were a pioneer, or an explorer coming into new  territory. The old will be gone and the new will be what you are creating there. 

Now do not look on these words as if you are reading a sci-fi novel, or a fanciful flight into a video game or a movie set. What I am describing to you will be your reality, dear one, for life on earth is about to change there. I am calling on you to prepare for this by getting to know your spiritual guidance, to know Me, well. You see, I can guide you from the Transcendent Mindset, dear one. I see the whole of the situation you will be facing and the uniqueness of your particular situation that will call for a unique way of moving forward, dear one. 

Why would I fabricate such a scenario? Why would I go to the trouble of having the scribe write what she is uncomfortable with, if there was not a dire need for you to know?  I would not do this on a lark, nor a whimsey. The unfolding of this scenario is based on what we see here on this side. Yes, there is a probability that it won’t happen, but that is very small and because of this we are working where ever we can to let you know, dear one. We are working to alert you to the trouble ahead! 

Now the call is to turn inward to Me, find your peace, and put as your top priority, coming into guidance with Me, there. Listen and you will discern, you will come to know the difference between what is Me speaking to you and your own thinking. You will feel the solidarity and the right-onness of our communication, dear one.  You can do it, you can do it! Trust is called for and your willingness to listen and let Me in. I love you dearly and so want to help you through your life now and for what is to come. Never alone, dear one, truly never alone. 

You’ll Know for Certain

Can you accept the premise,

That this woman hears My Voice? 

Or do you think it’s all made up,

A fabricated choice? 

Is it just too much to swallow,

That Jesus’ Voice is true?

She asked Me for life’s meaning,

In mind, My Voice came through.

She chose Me and I chose her,

Following God’s will,

Together we give out this gift,

Her mission to fulfill.

You, too, will hear My Voice there,

I’m here for everyone,

To love you and to guide you, 

Each daughter and each son. 

So if you’re plagued by doubts there, 

Your doubts will disappear,

As you join and ask Me in,

And, My Voice, you hear. 

You’ll come to know for certain,

You’ll deeply comprehend,

Within is perfect guidance,

And love that knows no end.  

You’ll get to know Me well there,

No stranger will I be, 

As close as your next breath, dear, 

Entwined as One are we.

So please suspend your judgement, 

Give your doubt a rest,

Instead, ask for My Presence,

With Me, you’ll soon be blest.

We’ll joy in life together,

No longer all alone, 

Always, I am there, dear, 

The best friend ever known. 


11/16/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others about this website.