Prepare With Me

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Prepare With Me 

We have before us, a few short weeks before the celebration of Christmas. It is a time of busy preparations by many. Gift-buying and card-sending are among the most common activities  done for Christmas. Many will attend bazaars, parties, and  ‘get-togethers’ of celebration. For Christian’s it is the time of advent, or the pre-birth time, when hearts and minds focus on the birth  of Jesus, of Me, that is to come. In some ways, it is the celebration of an historical event. 

I am deeply engaged with each and every one of you at this moment. Let us not make the historical event more important than My Presence with you right now. The spiritual reality of the resurrected Jesus is with you right now!  Dear one, the babe became a boy, than a man, who died in the flesh, but resurrected to tell the world that death has no sting! That we are eternal beings, and that the nature of it All is love, that our Source is love in and through All .  

I said back then, dear one, that I would never leave you, and I have not left you ever. I am with you within always, as you turn here to Me. As you prepare for the historical event of My coming, remember, I Have Come! I Am Here Now!  I Am With You, Always. This is the cause for the greatest celebration of all, at each moment of every day! You are not alone ever, and My love encompasses you, guides you, teaches you, and leads you forward each step of the way.

Let us prepare together for the upcoming events of Christmas, as I will find joy being with you in even the smallest things, dear one. I will delight in the gift-giving, the food preparations and the signing of love on the Christmas cards. I will be there for you if you are feeling anxious and distraught, as many are during these times. My love will calm you and help you, dear one.  Nothing is too small for Me to be involved in. I am there to be with you as we decide joined with the Transcendent Mindset, how God’s Will would have things unfolld. I love you, dear one, and know that you are never alone. 

~ In Quiet Preparation~

In quiet preparation,

I still mind’s chattering sound,

I enter into sacred space,

And peace is all around. 

I ask that You would join me, Lord,

It’s You, alone, I seek,

Without your loving Presence,

I feel cut off and weak.

You come to me so gently,

You tell me you’re right here,

Now I can breathe easy—

Lord, my Love, you’re near. 

We join as One together,

You put my mind at ease,

Joyful with your Living Love —

Life seems now a breeze.

You answer all my searching,

You guide me to what’s true,

You tell me I am worthy,

To stand and walk with You. 

You say we have a purpose,

Our intention now must be,

To share with all the others,

To help them plainly see,

That they are not excluded,

God moves as One, a Whole,

A Movement felt as Living love,

One Heart, One Mind, One Soul. 

I ask that You would tell me, Lord,

Today and every day,

How I can share this message?

What part can I now play?

I’ll  dedicate my life, Lord,

I’ll hear and follow You,

I’ll share what You will tell me,

For what You say is true. 


In quiet preparation,

I turn within to You,

Waiting for your words, Lord,

We have a job to do!


11/26/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others about this website.