World War III Averted

Monday, November 20, 2023

World War III Averted

The millions who have decried this Holy Land war, who have sent prayers to God for a ceasefire, and who have vehemently voiced their opposition to the mass murder going on there have been catalytic in averting a much greater war. There will be a decrease in war action, though not a total stoppage, throughout the months to come. Your prayers have made a difference, and your call for a changed mindset of those in power has occurred. 

It makes a difference to the whole world! We must begin to truly value human life wherever it is. There is never a time when war should be glorified, for always, it is a failure of mankind to settle differences by violence-free compromise, by negotiation. It is a failure in valuing others as equals there. We will never grow as a species until we firmly establish the equality of all peoples living on the earth. 

Now this can be done by calling on the power of living love, God’s meaning inherent in each of us. If we can bridge this gap of hatred and intolerance, and view all as a part of the Oneness of Source, and acknowledge our true spiritual nature as the causal plane, we would see progress by leaps and bounds in all areas of life.

Most importantly, we would be ushered into the great Universal Hierarchy, the planetary system which awaits our growth as a species. We need to grow in our ability to value each other and to acknowledge the spiritual reality of existence. Living love would be seen as our meaning, and our greatest calling would be to further advance All as One gargantuan movement of our Source. 

This will eventually occur, dear one, for just as the tides will have their way, so will the truth of our Source, the movement of living love, have its way. Your prayers make the difference, your intent and involvement matter, and living love in all its power leads the way! I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone! ( see The Transforming Power of Living Love in Spiritual Writings )

To End the War

Life goes on as usual,

For us, we live in peace,

Yet in Israel and Gaza, 

The fighting does not cease.

We see the slaughter on both sides. 

The death, destruction there, 

Horrified, yet helpless,

Our hearts fill with despair. 

No matter what religion,

These are our spiritual kin, 

How can we stop the carnage,

Lord, where should we begin? 

Since Minds are all connected, 

Vision a world in peace,  

Vision bombs and tanks are gone,

That conflict there has ceased. 

Vision that the leaders, 

Those who rule with hate,

Have Transformed Minds now open,

To let the war abate.

In Mind, send forth the power of love,

 Its power greater than fear, 

‘Twill bring this war to closure,

The stoppage will appear.

These words contain the answer, 

The part that you should play, 

Send forth the power of living love, 

Will end the war, God’s way! 

Will bring these people together,

To share the Holy Land, 

Begin the vast rebuilding, 

With Love, the Great Command. 

Love, Our Source’s meaning, 

Has power beyond compare,

Send it forth right now, dear, 

For healing, vast repair.

In closing I am with you,

Let’s join God’s mighty force,

An army built in peace there, 

With Love, its healing source!


11/20/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.