Bound as One

Monday, December 4, 2023

Bound as One  

We are told we are free and yet living in our country requires earning a pay check, paying taxes, and abiding by the laws of the land. Relationships can be ‘iffy’ and anxiety is a common mindset.  Many and varied are the ties that bind us to a life seemingly free, but often felt as servitude to a life of perpetual demands. The burdens can be harrowing and may lead the way to escape through excessive use of media, drugs, alcohol, and may result in mental and physical illness there. 

How can we live under all the pressures that life can bring? I can tell you that you need not carry these burdens alone, dear one — bind yourself to Me. I will share the load, guide you to an easier and simpler way to live and bring joy into your life. No longer alone to bear the weight of life, but joined with One who knows you and sees what will ease the way. 

Bind yourself to Me, dear one. No longer will you face life alone, but now you move from the Transcendent Mindset, which knows All, sees All, and has your best interest as motivation, bringing you into the truth of who you are— much more than you know at this time!

 I do not only reward for good behavior, nor set up a merit system, nor place you in a situation of having to prove anything, dear one. Freely, I give to you, and freely, I love you and guide you, there. You need not go it alone ever! Bind yourself to Me and live joined with Me always. I am right within your mind. Find your peace and ask Me in. I am there and will let you know, dear one. It’s personal between you and Me. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

Simply Needs are Met

There’s no great complication,

To getting your needs met,

Just ask for what is needed,

Then let go fear and fret.

I see, I hear, I understand,

What’s needed there for you,

Living love sets all things right,

Transcendent Mind comes through. 

Strategy’s not needed,

Listening’s called for there,

I will guide you, show you,

When, what to do, and where.

As needs are fully answered,

And blessings there abound,

You’ll know the power of living love,

Fulfillment all around! 

Love’s answers seem so obvious,

So simple, clear, and right, 

Obscure no more, nor complex,

Restores your blinded sight. 

I know what fills your needs, dear,

Because I know you true, 

I am the answer needed, 

Let love from Me come through. 

Simply, I will guide you,

No harsh complexity,

Just call my name, I’ll answer,

Needs, well met, with Me! 


12/04/23.  Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.