Enlarge Your Understanding

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Enlarge Your Understanding

Enlarge your understanding,

Of what means family, 

Includes All people everywhere, 

Those gone, and yet to be. 

All people are as One, there, 

When viewed spiritually,

Infinite variation, 

Yet One, eternally. 

All filled with love, their substance, 

God’s meaning shines on through, 

As each one opens up to it, 

All things, its light, makes new!  

Let go your narrow concept,

Of who’s in or who’s out,

Embrace the truth that All are One,

’Tis what love’s all about !

More alike than different, 

So much that’s shared, the same, 

Ego plays division’s card,

Plays separation’s game. 

Let go this false intruder,

It feeds on fear and blame,

Dismiss it as a made-up thing, 

Our joining is your aim. 

Let love move in and through you,

Your life will be made new,

All others, too, will benefit,

As Transcendent Mind comes through!

In closing, I repeat again,

A promise ever true, 

I am with you always, 

As One, I’m there, with you. 

12/03/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.