Help Not Wanted!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Help Not Wanted!

Have you offered to help someone and been told your help is not wanted or needed? Have you put forth your willingness and been rejected there? This is often the case in our culture of ‘do-it-yourselfers’ and the valuing of the independent mindset. There is pride and ego involved in much of what people are involved in. 

 People have the right to say ‘no’ to offered help, but it can be felt as rejection and devaluing to the one who has offered to help. The reaction of the one whose help has been rejected is often a feeling of hurt or wanting to distance from that one who has rejected them. How would our Source have us react when we have been rejected, or for that matter, when we have felt  shunned or disregarded by another, perhaps even our own child or someone who we thought was a friend? 

Join with Me there, and feel into the deepest love you could ever know! When you know that you are so deeply loved, no rejection from another can alter your sense of value there. Your ego or your separated mindset which would have you upset is gone, as you feel into our relationship of love and divine wisdom.

 You know that the one who has turned down your offer is One with you and Source and valued just as you are. Nothing will mar your peace with Me, dear one, as you turn here and gain the understanding, the divine wisdom, that sets all things right. Don’t let ego cloud your day and recognize those projected feelings of hurt are erroneous and can be let go of easiiy. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

Don’t Give Up

Sometimes it may be difficult,

To help a joyless one,

When that one’s negativity,

Is the web that’s always spun. 

Hard to penetrate fear’s gate,

Of self absorption’s wall,

Your best efforts meant to help,

Seem to do no good at all.

Don’t give up on this one, dear,

Stay with, stay loyal, true,

Call on Me each time you meet,

Let living love come through. 

The fact of your involvement, 

God’s will has placed you there, 

Not random are your visits,

We see you really care.

You’ll be an open vessel,

Where living love comes through, 

Healing and redeeming,

Making all things new.

I see this one’s impediments,

And how they came to be,

Each opportunity I’m given,

I’ll work to set him free. 

Your part to play is ‘staying with,’

Listen, My words to hear, 

Your presence sharing what I say,

Help melt away his fear.

Though you may not see it,

A difference, you do make, 

More important than you could ever know, 

E’en life and death’s at stake.

Don’t give up on your love, there,

This one, you so well know,

What you give, you get, dear,

The seeds you plant will grow!

I’m with you all the way, there,

Now and every day,

We move as One, together,

And love’s what lights our way! 


12/30/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.