Pausing To Reflect

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Pausing to Reflect

Let’s take a little breather,

Stop and take a pause,

Remembering why we’re doing this,

Our purpose there, God’s cause. 

Just churning out the poems there,

Though each one comes from Me, 

Does not mean that your spoken words,

Are not necessity.

We say, enlarge your giving, 

Don’t settle for poems alone, 

You need to be more ‘out there,’

Outside your comfort zone. 

We know you feel resistance,

Don’t want to 'rock the boat,'

My love will give you courage,

Will keep your boat afloat. 

So as the new year starts, dear, 

You, too, will be brand new,

Settle not for sameness, 

Let’s bring My Words on through. 

I’ll show you what I mean by this, 

Won’t be a guessing game, 

Clearly, you’ll know what to do,

As life, will now, reframe. 

You’re not too old to do this,

Age, it has no part,

I will be there with you, 

Each day, a brand new start. 

Our reflection time is over, 

And there, in quiet pause, 

Enlarged, is our perspective,

God’s will to give, our cause.

Trust in the unfolding, 

Let love light up the way,

Marvel at what is given, 

Miracles every day!  

12/17/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of our  website.