You Are Held As Blameless

Saturday, December 16, 2023

You Are Held As Blameless

I can tell you that we here on this side hold you blameless of any misdeeds. We see that if you have done any hurtful actions they are  truly a result of ignorance. If you truly understood, you would never do anything to cause harm to another. You would understand that causing harm to another is hurting yourself, and if you understood that hurting yourself violated the very nature of whom you are, you would not do anything to harm or hurt yourself.

Let me say that sin, misdeeds, or hurtful actions are always a result of an ego problem in which defenses have enlarged, fear is dominant, and hate is the motivating feeling there. The Me has overruled the We. Self—absorption swallows up the listening for truth mindset.  Here is the cause, the place of the great mistake that has infiltrated mankind for eons of time throughout the whole earth. Here is the seedbed for murder, war, dereliction, dishonesty, and all the ills of mankind. 

We here, know that you were created innocent, and are held as innocent by your Maker.  The image so often seen of Me holding a lamb, truly depicts the innocence  that you are, and the love which we have for you. Let judgement of yourself go and let the harshness of guilt be gone. Claim the innocence that is truly yours and live out from the dynamic love that is your very nature and meaning as your Father/Mother has given each and every one. Let go of the burden of regret and guilt that keeps you tethered to worthlessness and life negating energy. 

I will help you in this, dear one. Turn within to Me and together, we will wash away the stain of guilt that haunts you there. Clean, fresh, and new you will feel and ready to embrace life and joy in all its wonderfulness! Ready to let Me, to let love, lead the way forward.  I love you dearly, and know that you are never  alone.  

Pure Innocence

Let go the misperception,

That God is judging you,

Not guilty is His verdict,

Pure innocence, His view. 

Let go the ego’s harshness, 

Finding fault its game, 

It plays the judge and jury,

On you, it lays the blame. 

Crushingly, it pulls you down,

Erasing any light,

It aims to nullify your mind,

From Spirit’s loving sight.

It is a harsh marauder,

Posing as what’s real,

Seeks to claim it’s who you are,

Your identity to steal.

Ego has no real presence, 

It came about from fear,

A system of defense you made,

All vices stem from here.

How wonderful to know, there,

That turning within to Me, 

Is where your Authentic Mind comes forth,

Reveals Transcendency. 

We’ll undo ego’s system,

Defense now gone from Mind,

’Til fear itself has left, dear, 

Love’s light is what you’ll find. 

God holds you in His mind, dear,

As perfect, whole, and free, 

Let guilty feelings go, dear,

Pure innocence, with Me. 

In closing, let Me tell you,

Oft repeated words you’ve known. 

I love you, oh so dearly,

You are not alone. 


12/16/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.
