You Will Marvel...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

You will Marvel…

You will marvel at how life so beautifully unfolds for you. It will seem as totally natural, and yet there is a miraculous quality to all that unfolds. In big ways, and in the smallest of ways, life seems to be showering you with blessings. You understand at  the deepest levels that Divine Intelligence is leading the way. As daily renewal  is felt, with the ‘abiding with’ Presence of Me and with your Wholeness, your joy in life increase mightily. 

You will hold ‘expectancy of the good’ in your mind, and a heart filled with love and goodness overflowing towards others will be there. Life will be viewed as issuing forth from God and no longer, a ‘do it yourself’ project. 

What unfolds is not just coincidence, nor a reward for good behavior, but the natural state of one living from the joined mindset, dear one. It is the way we were created to live from our Source! As you join within to Me, we will clear away the blockages to this marvelous unfolding and erase the ignorance and the miasma that has kept you living as a solo one there.

 Your part?  To show a little willingness to join with Me and to turn within on a regular basis. I cannot and I will not override your ‘say so,’ your free will, there. It is a sovereign gift from God and no one on this spiritual level will over-ride this, dear one. You are free always, to be with Me or not. Those are the choices, dear one, one or the other,  with Me or not. There is no in between. Choose for our togetherness, choose for the truth of you, and choose for your authentic life as you were meant to live it! I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

The True Use Of Mind

You have One mind to use, dear, 

And since you have free will,

Choose to join with Me, there, 

God’s purpose to fulfill. 

If ego is your method, 

You’ve chosen falsity, 

A made-up use of mind, dear, 

It serves disunity. 

Find peace, within, the quiet,

Ask that I join you, 

And as we join together, 

Such joy, to know what’s true!

At last, you’ve found your truth, dear, 

Alone, no more to roam,

You’ve found where you belong, dear, 

 With Me, with love, at home.

You’ve opened up your eyes to see, 

 A new world shining through, 

Transcendency, God’s Oneness, 

Lights up your mind anew!

Gone, fear and defenses,

Gone, disunity,

Gone, the pain of loneliness, 

Found, true love, with Me. 

Each day we join anew there, 

You ask Me what to do,

Each step we take together, 

To bring God’s Will on through. 

There’s One Mind that you have, dear,

Choose Oneness there with Me, 

One with All Creation, 

Our Source, One Unity!


12/20/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.