The Fourth Dimension

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

From Awakening to Oneness


There exists within everyone a tendency to act as though there really is only one level of experience. That level is the three dimensional world as commonly experienced with the five senses. 

Now we will explore another level of experience that happens when one is availing him/herself of the astonishing reality of the fourth dimension. This can be accessed by quieting oneself and listening or paying attention to Mind/Consciousness. 

This dimension of reality is the fountainhead for all experience as it issues forth into the three dimensional world. The fourth dimension introduces into experience, meaning. There truly is nothing that happens in the three dimensional world that does not have as its substra- tum the workings of Mind, or the fourth dimension. 

Whenever you feel that life is senseless and meaningless be assured the assignment of this value has been set, not by Mind but by a judgement based on conditioned thinking without taking into account that all events are in the direct cause/effect relationship that is representative of Mind. This dimension of reality cannot possibly be experienced as harmful in any way as it does not realized anything as other than part of the Infinitude of itself. Fear or potential for harm is only possible when there is the sense of other which could cause harm. If all is part of the Infinite Wholeness than All Is One and nothing can be separate from that One. All is inclusive in itself. 

So our learning now is to become more aware of this dimension of our reality and to begin to practice living our lives from here. We can begin to practice the discovery of this dimension by quieting our conditioned thinking and getting into that place where we can access the stillness of the within. The stillness is actually a channel or pipeline or field of being which connects you to the Infinitude of your Being or your Divine Guidance. You can here begin to access Divine Intelligence which is available to each and every one as they learn that they are a part, an indivisible, yet individual, part of the Wholeness of the Infinitude of All That Is, the Mother/Father God, the Everlasting. 

Let us take practical stock of this information at this point and bring it back to where you can understand it more fully. For example, you are in the store and are faced with buying a gift for someone. You do not have the slightest idea what would be appropriate for that one, and you choose to quiet your conditioned thinking and ask of guidance what would be most appropriate. You hear an answer, get a feeling about something or become aware of something that just seems to ‘come’ to you. You go with your hunch and to your surprise this was a very appropriate gift. The receiver wonders how you knew. 

Sometimes you try this and it does not work so it is easy to fall back into conditioned thinking, basing decisions on old patterns.The receiver may like this choice too, so then the conditioned pattern of choosing becomes reinstated. The choice made from guidance however, will be actually the best choice and as you experience and experiment with this more and more it feels more and more right for you to live your life from this place. 

Even the smallest of choices can be made with guidance joined to Divine Intelligence. Living from this relationship puts you in touch with Infinite Intelligence and is the Truth of our Being. We are supposed to live like this only we were waylaid eons ago and began living a separate existence from our Source. 

Although this information seems risky to try because we feel that we will be treading in the dark with no reliable guide, we indeed have that guide right within our very Being. And so we are never alone in this way of living life. And indeed, this connection negates or makes the sense of separation disappear. Our age old problem is solved in an instance, in the twinkling of an eye, we realize our connection to the Infinitude of our Self, All That Is, the One Source infinitely expressed. 

The fourth dimension shall be the place where millions soon will live their lives from and this will bring about the radical alteration of mankind. We will begin the progression into the forever newness which is our birthright. Now is the time to claim this way of living and let go of the limitations and roadblocks your three dimensional thinking constantly puts up for you. We are ready to move ahead as individuals, and as the unbounded love from guidance makes itself manifest within your Being you will know in truth, that this is who and what you really are. 

Our next teaching will focus on another aspect of your Divine Self which is your capacity to be healed and be a healer, for this too, is your birthright. 

God’s Meaning is Love

There is no way to measure,

Love from God to you,

Endless is this treasure,

God’s meaning coming through. 

This love it has a function,

Not static nor obscure,

It seeks to bring renewal,

All maladies to cure. 

It’s not just a good feeling, 

Not just a tender glow, 

Its power beyond measure, 

Its function to bestow,

Healing and redemption, 

Fulfilling every need,

Love’s God’s meaning manifest,

It’s who we are, indeed!

It brings forth transformation,

Renewing, ’twill not cease, 

Power beyond imagination,

Yet moves in endless peace. 

It’s substantive within us,

It’s energy makes right,

Life itself its gift there,

It brings such joy, and light. 

Love is your very center,

I’m standing at the door,

Ready to pour forth this power,

To love you evermore.

Find peace then ask Me in, dear,

Find love you’ve never known,

A relationship of light, dear, 

At last, no more, alone. 


02/08/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this site.