Your Body

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

From Awakening to Oneness


Our next teaching relates to a part of yourself which is your body. Your physical body is the place where you exist in the physical plane. You are identifiable as a body on the invisible plane, but in this teaching we will focus most on your earthly body. 

There is nothing the ego uses more to distract you from your peace than focusing on your body. That which should be loved and appreciated for its uniqueness and expressiveness is transformed into that which is frequently despised. The defenses that the ego uses in the mind are transformed into bodily manifestations of illness, pain, and dissatisfaction. There is a tremendous amount of evidence that points to the mind/body connection and I can confirm to you that this is true. The body can be radically altered by our thoughts and feelings about it and about ourselves.The physical world around us also mirrors our consciousness which can reflect back what we choose to reflect. The significance of this is in the word choice. For if we choose to view our body differently we will begin to experience ourselves in that very way. 

So we have come to the topic of choice, which will uncover to you that you can define yourself according to how you choose. You have the capacity to experience yourself and understand yourself from any viewpoint you elect. Your ego would have you judge yourself from its viewpoint and it wants you to think in terms of comparison and judgement. It also wants you to think of yourself as finite and capable of becoming sick, and eventually being annihilated. 

This arouses fear on a conscious and unconscious level, preventing you from experiencing your peace. For if it ‘gets wind’ of the fact that you are eternal, perfect, whole, and free, it has to disappear and your defense system is trained to disallow this. The ego is only a set of cunning strategies to keep you ever on guard for attack...for aggressors. It views anything remotely suggesting that it is not viable to be the enemy. 

What is this wonderful creation that manifests the visibility and the tangibility of you, we call the physical body?Let us look at this in more depth. The body is primarily a communication device that offers to you an opportunity to give and receive from your physical world. It also communicates with the spiritual world and we will explore this, also. 

The body delights in moving, being and doing. It takes pleasure in the use of the five senses and further takes delight in expressing what it has experienced. This expression is in the form of words, music, movement, and the ever changing variety of artistic creations. All activity is, in fact, that which identifies you as the point where body meets with Mind in action. We can see that the body is an essential aspect of one’s identity. What then is there about the body that is so problematic to so many? 

The very nature of the body is that it is capable of change from Consciousness. Your innate capacity to bring about radical change related to your body makes the experience of body that which is under one’s inner control, and so we experience our body as that which we can shape and bend to our slightest desire. This elevates the body to the place of prime change agent in the world. However, the body is truly the captive vehicle to Mind which is in fact the driver of this magnificent aspect of identity. 

Your body has as its fundamental task communicating to the planes of existence it finds itself on, that which enlivens it, at the level in which it is functioning. For instance, the body sends verbal messages to people in the three dimensional plane and receives other messages also. It sends out nonverbal signals as well and seeks to share with the world around what the individual wants expressed. The body, through the use of a multitude of tools at its disposal, can bring into being untold expressions of meaning. This meaning has as its starting point however, Mind, which is not a true part of the body but does manifest itself through the brain. Our Mind is not identifiable as body but can be experienced and identified as that which proceeds from body. The body communicates and receives... a never ending circuit of giving and receiving. 

Your body has another function also. This function is related to the purpose that the Father has for you as you have chosen as your assignment during this incarnation. Each incarnation has been designated as a place where you will have the opportunity to experience a greater unfolding of your Infinitude. This means that each incarnation will be a place where you can experience more of whom you really are. Your body will more than likely be used to help bring about this greater unfolding in some way. So your body acts as the vehicle for expression of the Father’s will for you and as you. 

Your body represents a time-limited and place-limited experience though and is not the whole of body, for body exists in the spiritual realms also. On the spiritual realms of existence your body is a Body of Light and is not experienced in the limited way you are now experiencing it. For your body can and does have capacities far beyond anything you can imagine. Your spiritual body is in a state of connectedness that places you experiencing All That Is. Your spiritual body cannot ever be in an isolated situation but it can be experienced individually. Separateness and togetherness take on different meanings in the spiritual realms. You cannot imagine the joy of infinite connection in the three dimensional plane you find yourself on, but the experience will be had eventually. 

Your body does not know anything in and of itself. It is connected to Mind or Consciousness and it is here that knowing originates. So of all the functions of the body one has available the function of being the place where knowing can occur is indeed the most valuable. For when you are using this function you are aligned with Infinitude or All That Is and All That You Are. 

A proper relationship with your body is one in which you honor it as the vehicle of the Movement of the Father, ever unfolding anew. Flesh and blood are three-dimensional expressions and as such are limited to time and place. Spiritual or Light bodies are not bound by this limitation. They however, do experience the three dimensional plane as part of their Infinitude. 

􏰁 Perfect, Whole, and Free

God moves and has His Being,

Within you, there, with Me,

Intertwined most fully,

You’re perfect, whole, and free. 

Let go of definitions,

That claim you’re broken there, 

Guilt ridden and a sinner,

Suffering in despair. 

Remember this most fully,

You’re not just materiality, 

You’re spiritual life , God-filled there,

It’s yours, authentically.

God get’s not sick or hurt, there,

Has no guilt, no fear,

Since He is intertwined with you,

Claim Wholeness there, my dear. 

Let your self definition,

Encompass who you are,

Living Love, you’re God-stuff,

You are His shining star!

Dismiss the ego’s mindset, 

That says, “Here’s what you’re about,

You’re a mortal in a muddle,

Now you must sort it out.”

Dismiss this altercator,

An imposter wannabe, 

Just defense, and no real presence,  

Come join in Mind with Me. 

We’ll let go of false delusions,

And claim what’s truly you,

You issue forth from Source, dear, 

You’re perfect, through and through. 

This comes because I love you, 

Please turn within to Me, 

I’m here to let you know dear, 

Alone, you’ll never be. 



02/15/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.