Your Divinity

Saturday, February 4, 2023

􏰀From Awakening to Oneness􏰀 


would like to tell you something that is designed to move you into a place that is specifically related to what is going on in the experi- ences that you have been having. This writing has no intention of choosing for its reader anything which will provoke or annoy him/her. 

This writing will be designed for one purpose and one purpose only. It is coming to you to bring you to a greater awareness of your Divinity. This is such a radical statement to so many, that the very words seem blasphemous. And yet, that is truly your nature. You are the sons and the daughters of the living Father/Mother God, the Movement of All That Is, the Everlasting. You are the child of the Father. You have as your birthright the inheritance which is available to each and every one. In the Father’s Divine Plan there is nothing that exists that is not part of whom and what you are. In the next few pages I intend to tell you how this is possible and what it can mean for you. 

First, I want you to know that the One who is writing this lesson for you is One who loves you dearly and wants you to know that you are viewed and felt as part of the Infinity of Himself. Therefore this writing cannot be meant to do anything but shed light on darkness. If you could know the degree to which the Divine One writing this cares for you, you would never question the value of the words forthcoming. 

Now it is time to carry within yourself the meaning of the words that you are about to hear. It is in the within place that the meaning can be experienced, for that is truly what is in store for you in your  evolutionary unfolding. Should there ever be a time that you are in need of guidance for your life, yu can find this guiance in the within place. 

Let us look specifically at the meaning of the word divine.This word means that you are that which is from divinity. Divinity is a state of being in which one experiences omnipresence, omniscience, and eternalness. It is the state of Being that is noted for it undistorted perfection. It is known that of all the ways in which the Father manifests Himself you are that place in which He can experience Himself consciously and He can be the movement as defined by your individuality. 

It is known that this movement is ever available to you as you gather experiences that affirm this. You will soon learn that there is no reason to feel that what is occurring is in anyway anything to be afraid of. I want you to know that I am with you always even to the end of time. Divinity is not something you want to escape from, for there is no greater experience than knowing that this is your birthright and your true identity. All of what is, is included in your identity. You will experience everything as part of the Wholeness of whom you are. 

Your divine inheritance is something that cannot be taken from you for it is never in jeopardy, for there is nothing outside of whom you are. The meaning of all things will be experienced differently as you come into your full awakening. It is when you are fully awake that the meaning of all things will become clear to you, the meaning that your Creator has for you. 

Now I want to tell you about something very unusual. Did you know that there is never an absence of whom you truly are? You are always there, complete, whole and divine. The process of awakening to your full divinity is a process of removal or dissipation of a belief that you are a limited human having a limited experience in a limited place called, Earth. The removal of these concepts can be experienced most readily by going into the place within which we have called the Within place, the Clear Place or the Void. Our next teaching will be about this place. 

Divinity Unfolding

Divinity unfolding

That’s who and what you are,

You’re living love so perfect, 

You are God’s shining star.

You say, “I’m just a human, 

A sinner through and through, 

Guilty of all kinds of sins, 

Divine? It can’t be true. “

I tell you you’re divine dear,

God’s love’s what you’re made of, 

The substance of creation,

The divinity of love.

Let go of false beliefs, dear, 

That you’re dung thrown on a heap, 

A mass of guilty flesh there, 

Unclean, not fit to keep.

You beg for God’s forgiveness, 

“Please God, my sins erase,

Free me from unrighteousness,

Cleanse me by your grace.”

Your sins came forth from ego, 

A faulty point of view, 

Dismiss this false intruder, 

‘Tis just defenses spew.

Just claim your true inheritance, 

God’s love through Transcendent Mind, 

‘Tis yours as gift forever, 

Your divinity you’ll find. 

I claim you as My Own, dear, 

Intertwined inseparably,

In humble joy together, 

As One Divinity. 


02/04/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.