Forever Springtime Bliss

Friday, March 3, 2023

Forever Springtime Bliss

The snow will soon be melting,

The storms, they will be gone,

Soon spring will show its colors,

We know it won’t be long.

We choose to be out moving,

To breathe fresh air in spring,

To bask in bright warm sunshine,

See what its warmth will bring.

These simple verses point out,

Something about our minds,

Ego, like the snowstorms—

Its Ice flurries make us blind.

We need not be impelled, there,

By icy defense stings,

Ice is simply water, 

Its melting changes things. 

We have a choice to make there,

To see mind as a springtime field. 

Where joining with Transcendence,

Flowers of love, will yield.

Here awaits relationship,

With Me, at your request, 

Arm in arm together,

I’ll guide you to what’s best. 

You’ll shed your defense system,

The ego’s icy shield,

Your true identity comes forth,

God child will be revealed. 

You’ll see God moves as ONE there, 

His point of light you are,

Living love flow’s through you,

You are His shinning star. 

Take the time this moment,

Join Me, so you don’t miss,

God’s relationship of meaning, 

Forever springtime bliss.

03/02/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others about this website.