The Call's To Get Involved

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Call’s To Get Involved

Do not stay on the sidelines,

When there is a real need,

The call’s to get involved, dear,

Let’s help this one, indeed.

You say, It’s none of my business, 

Why intrude my presence there? 

Because you may be the only one,

Who can prevent this one’s despair!

Love’s never an intrusion, 

I’ll show you how your part, 

Your kind and loving involvement,

Will ease a troubled heart.

Your know-how and your skill set,

Plus guidance there from Me,

Will give the needed answers—

Will provide a remedy.

Let go of hesitation,

Get out of your comfort zone,

Risk being given a rebuff,

To help one who’s alone. 

This is love in action,

The test of what is true,

Let’s jump in with a whole heart, 

I’ll be guiding you! 

Remember when you give, dear,

Your love is felt by All,

Blessing more than you can know 

Involvement is the call.

In closing I repeat again,

What you so well have known,

I am with you always,

You are not alone!

05/07/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others about this website.