A Resounding Declaration

Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Resounding Declaration

Strong is the affirmation,

When love fills up my heart,

A resounding declaration, 

‘My God, how great Thou art!’

The ‘rightness of the moment,’

Here and now such peace, 

In quiet joy and wonder,

I feel such deep release.

Release of cares and worries, 

Nagging doubts and fear,

Instead, a sure conviction, 

That you, My Lord, are here. 

The Oneness of our union, 

Such strength our love has grown,

Here is sweet togetherness,

Transcendent truth is known. 

Truth, that All are One, there, 

God’s children, All are we,  

Truth, that love’s what leadeth, 

To sacred destiny. 

The future is unknown now,

But what is known is sure,

God’s light will lead us forward, 

His Oneness will endure.

And so we are not separate,

To go forth all alone,  

This myth of separation, 

Should now be over thrown, 

Replaced with what is true, dear,

God’s movement’s Whole, as One, 

His Creation, All  inclusive, 

Of each daughter and each son. 

Rejoice in who you are, dear,

God’s point of light you be, 

Shining love to others, 

With God, inherently!  

09/17/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.