Does it Matter?

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Does it Matter? 

Opportunities abound as you live, but as you quiet the thinking mindset and listen to the Voice for Truth, there will be one way to move forward. My guidance is not ambiguous, nor half-hearted. When you choose for the Voice for Truth, you will hear and you will know with certainty, the way forward there. Now the scribe will tell you that she has often, through benign neglect or forgetfulness or disregard, not followed spiritual guidance. Often it’s in the little things that she goes her own way. She has learned though, that she will have a happier, better, brighter outcome if she does follow, even in minute matters, there. 

You see, each decision is a precursor to something else, the next step, and so it is the leading edge of forward movement, the way your Maker would have it. Remember your movement affects  others there and you are never isolated in what you do or how you carry your mind. It impacts others, dear one, truly it impacts others.  

You may say, does it really matter if I join with guidance in what to eat, what to wear, what TV shows to watch, or when and how to get groceries?  Does  it really matter? This is like asking does it matter if you to use your Authentic Mind or not.  Does it matter if what comes forth is from the Transcendent or not? Does Jesus or my guide really care about these small things and will it  matter there? Yes, dear one, it does. The need is to listen all the time, follow all the time, as you are One with your Source and it is the truth of you. 

Now this is not as arduous as it may seem. It is in simple asking and listening that the answers will be given to you. In simple ways that you will fully understand, dear one.  I do not speak in archaic language and I do not want you to puzzle over what I am telling you. I am fully able to talk with you there in ‘easy to get’ language. All of this is done with the deepest love possible for you, and with your well being as its motivation there. Ask, listen, and follow, dear one, it matters, it truly matters! This is God’s meaning in action, living love which has as its purpose to make all things new, transformation unfolding in you!!  I love you dearly and know that you are never alone. 

Moment by Moment

I may give you a Master Plan,

Of how your life will be,

But the daily workings,

Include changeability.

I see the bigger picture,

Of what will, for you, unfold,

It’s in our constant joining, 

Your story will be told. 

There are so many others,

With not just you in mind, 

My view includes the total,

Of those your gift will find. 

You’re painting your life’s picture,

My guidance will not cease,

Each moment of your life, there,

Creates your Masterpiece.

It’s in our constant joining,

And following what you hear,

You’ll be God’s point of light, dear,

The reason why you’re here. 

Moment by moment, join Me,

There is no other way,

To live your life of mission, 

To be fulfilled each day. 

Right now as you have read this,

Choose for unity,  

Find your peace within, dear, 

This moment, join with Me. 

In closing let Me state again, 

I love you, you’re My Own.

I am with you always, 

You are not alone. 


09/12/23. Given from Jesus.  Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others about this website.