How are you using your mind?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

How are you using your mind?

Do you find yourself defensive much of the time? Do you find yourself upset over what you perceive as slights or corrections from others or over any number of things that pop up in life? If being annoyed, defensive, angry or hurt and wanting to strike out or get away from others is a big part of your life, and you blame all manner of things for it, and if you are fearful or feel guilty much of the time, let Me share with you vitally helpful information, dear one.

You see, you are coming from the separated mindset, there. This is the mindset, the way most people in the world use their minds. People think that if they go to a counselor or a psychiatrist  to get therapy, or take a pill. or practice cognitive behavioral therapy they will get better. Now these things may help and I am not disregarding these things as help along the way, but the real help, the real solving of the problem is choosing to use your mind from the joined  with Source perspective, the original way you were created to use your mind. 

You see, when mankind chose to leave his Source, eons ago, he became afraid and a system of thought developed that was based on protection, as now he was alone, cut off from the vital truth of his existence. The ego defense system mindset came into play and all of mankind’s ills have come forth from this. This defense system is in all ways, false, and a made-up use of mind. 

How are we to use our minds? Let Me share the good news. You can use your Mind the way your Creator intended, dear one,  joined with Source, where you originate from. Here the Intelligence of Universal Mind comes  forth for you at the level at which you are able to understand there. Its meaning is living love and has healing, redemption, transformation and renewal as its meaning. Here you will come into the knowing mindset and you will live your life as co-creator with your Source as he issues forth through you, who are his manifestation there. 

 Here you are bathed in love and come from this love which knows not of fear-based thinking. I stand at the door in your mind to help you let go of the false understandings you have developed over time and that keep you tethered to separation there. I will guide you, dear one, that’s why I am telling you to let go of the separated ego defense system and come to Me. Find your peace within and ask that I join you there. I will show you the way to peace in your life. This is vital information, for you will begin the journey to the original of you, the truth of you. I love you. Join with Me now, dear one, and let’s begin the transformation of a life time. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone.   

Meant to Live Connected

You hold the truth within you,

When joined with Me you’ll hear,

Transcendent Mind, your Wholeness, 

This is you, my dear. 

You see, you are not separate,

To go it all alone, 

You move as one connected,

To God, you are His own. 

We’re bound as One forever,

Yet you are truly free,

You’re not a programmed being, 

You choose for how you’ll be.

Free will, this gift you’re given,

I will not over ride,

But you must choose to listen, 

To have Me by your side. 

Freely, I am here, dear,

Freely, My love is true,

Freely, you must ask for Me, 

In peace, I’ll answer you. 

I see right where you are, dear,

What’s keeping you apart,

I see where love can clear the way, 

Can give a brand new start. 

You’re meant to live connected,

Sheds not your identity,

But brings about alignment,

With whom you’re meant to be. 

You’ll feel at last your home, dear,

Longing now will cease.

No longer all alone, dear, 

With Me you are at peace. 

Lastly, I implore you,

To come, to join with Me, 

Find joy this very moment,

’Tis where you’re meant to be. 


09/24/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.