Movement to Find Oneness

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Movement to Find Oneness

We speak of the Oneness of our Source and yet many do not understand this truth. We could say, God is All That Is. There is no place or no thing where God isn’t. God’s meaning living love, fills everything. It is for us to open our minds and hearts and join within to the Transcendent to see this. 

Now the actions of the separated mindset, and man’s free choice to move out from ego, have given distortion to what is truly there. The wars, the sin, the selfishness, the sickness, the ignorance, and  the mayhem that are there, are not caused by God, but are a result of the ego  defense system which seeks to protect itself against everything that would cause it to disappear. It is a liar and a marauder and a thief, subtly undermining the truth of God’s Onenss of life. It is what mankind has developed as he left the joined with Source mindset, his true identity, eons ago. 

Now there is a deep hunger, a longing, and a seeking for the truth of life as never before. Even in what seems to be even greater separation, there is a movement to find that relationship with the Transcendent .There is “a hunger and thirst after righteousness,” as the Bible says. There is a growing awareness that the planet, all mankind, are deeply connected, and many are aware that we are a part of the greater universal unfolding. Our Oneness is being rediscovered like at no other time. Rejoice in this, dear one, rejoice in this! Like the tide, the truth will have it’s way! 

Turn within to Me, dear one, for it is for each one individually, to uncover who and what he/she is, that Oneness will be fully known. You see, as you join with Me, as you let go of the separated mindset, the ego there, we then can connect. You now are in the place where your true mindset, the Transcendent, can come forth for you. I will help you let go of the veil of illusion, the roadblocks to your awareness, and bit by bit, or maybe all at once, you will let go of the false beliefs that keeps you from the living love, the light that you are, the Oneness with Source, that you are. This light is there, and it is for you to find it, dear one. I will help you each step of the way. I love you dearly, and know that I am with you always.  I love you, and you are never alone. 

Humanity is Waiting

Humanity is waiting,

To come to some consent,

About its common purpose,

By Oneness, what is meant.

It seeks to join together,

As One entirety,

Its next step in evolving, 

To join Universal Hierarchy.

The planet and its people,

Not alone, nor solo be,

Part of a gargantuan wholeness, 

Of vast immensity.

Beyond your wildest dreams, there,

A scope beyond compare, 

Your world, an intrinsic part of,

God’s movement everywhere!

Our Consciousness connected,

With Universal Mind, 

The way forward is for each one,

Transcendence within, to find. 

This, your part to play dear,

Your evolutionary role, 

Each one who finds this truth, there,

Benefits the Whole. 

This poem, yes aspirational, 

Yet not beyond our reach, 

I’m asking, no, I’m pleading,

Join Me, I do beseech.

The world, the Whole, is spiritual,

So spiritual laws apply,

Let go of preconceptions,

They’ll never answer ’why.’

The spiritual law of love, dear,

Rules the Oneness Sphere,

Harmonic in its nature, 

A symphony, you’ll hear. 

You have universal essence, 

Right within, it’s you,

Living love, your composition, 

God’s meaning, dear, so true. 

Humanity is waiting,

Do your part today, 

Join within to Me, dear, 

Evolve in love, God’s way! 


09/06/23. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.