What 'Staying the Course' Means

Saturday, September 2, 2023

What ‘Staying the Course’ Means… 

It simply means coming back to the joined mindset within, to Me,  again and again. It means that even when there are no pressing matters on your mind, nor significant happenings, nor an emotional state that you are in, you make the decision to join with Me. If you have no questions, no concerns, then why would you want to join with Me? Because here you are using your mind the way your Creator intended. Here, the inspiration, the direct input from the divine, Universal Mind, can be had. Here, peace can be found and the very foundational reality of you, God’s meaning of love can be experienced. 

You are developing a habit through practice again and again and soon it will be the natural and first place you will turn to as you live. Our relationship will become the primary relationship in your life and in the peaceful silence within, we will commune as true friends, loving companions, dear one. 

The constancy of my love for you will be your deepest security and will be the bedrock of your life. As the Bible says, “No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ.”This is true, dear one, this is oh so true!  We are intertwined as One so  embrace our joining and find love such as you have never known. Stay the course with Me! I love you dearly and know that you are never alone. 

Stay the Course

The roadmap of your life, dear,

Should not be thrown away,

Discarded as a tissue,

Outmoded, had its day. 

The course you chose, to join Me, 

To live in Unity,

Was not a flight of fancy,

’Twas forever meant to be.

The ego flashes ‘come here,’

 Let’s give this ride a spin,

Get off the ‘Jesus bandwagon,’ 

You know he is  a ‘has been.’

Says life’s a-passing by there, 

Why give up solo flight? 

Thrills are here a plenty,

Soar in your own delight.

The mind of separation, dear,

Has no foundation there, 

It’s made up of defenses, 

Quite simply, just hot air. 

It states its really you, there, 

Then claims uncertainty,

Shrugs its shoulders, laughs it off, 

Plays you, divisively. 

It takes determination,

To stay the course, you see,

Forsaking all distractions,

Choosing life with Me. 

Here you’ve found your truth, dear,

Your true identity,

Living from Transcendence,

With All, pure Unity. 

As long as we’re together, 

Love will lead our way,

We’ll follow where God leads us,

As One with Him each day. 

Joy is what we have, dear, 

We live with certainty,

Stay the course forever,

Throughout eternity. 


09/02/23. Given from Jesus.  Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.