Join Me In Mind Within

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Join Me in Mind Within

There is never a time when joining with Me is not appropriate. There will come a time when living out from the Joined Mindset is so engrained in you, that it will be your natural way, your go to way  to use mind. The separated sense of mind, the ego, will be obsolete, gone as the fabricated use of mind that it is. Life will still have its challenges and obstacles there, but how to deal with them will be made clear, and as you do so see the perfect outcomes, you will know that the Transcendent Mindset, flowing forth as you join with Me, is the true way always. 

Now until you are fully awake, the ego mind will surface from time to time.  But you will learn to recognize that you have not joined with Me and you will easily let ego go and return within to Me again. Always, you can choose again for truth, dear one, no matter where or when, I am there for you. 

Now all the needs of everyday life will continue to occur, but the quality of your life will change. You will feel grounded in truth, on the right path, in the flow, and coming from your authenticity, your foundational security in who you really are. You will feel an underpinning of joy and you will feel that you are not alone ever. The negative emotional state will be replaced with a peace and a confidence that feels so life enhancing for you.

 Even In the midst of what could be called hardships, you will feel love and gratitude, dear one,  and the wonderful feeling of Me abiding with you. It will be love that permeates your being as the truth of whom you are and this love is a dynamic energy, God’s meaning, that has healing, redemption,  renewal, and transformation as its function. So you can see, joining with Me has immense value for you, and truly is worth the practice it will tike to become familiar and comfortable with your joined mindset. I am here, your best friend is here for you. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone. 

  It’s In Our Joyous Union

Unified in Oneness,

Life flows forth furtively, 

Joyous is each moment,

Fulfilled abundantly! 

The idea that life is solo,

That each one goes alone, 

A sad misunderstanding,

The truth, we need make known. 

The truth that Source’s inclusive,

Transcendent Mind’s for all,

I’m there within to guide you, 

All you need do is call. 

Call for Me to help you, 

To be with you each day,

So you will know you’re not alone, 

And living life God’s way!

Joy will be the outcome, 

Gone, uncertainty, 

Joined with love, the constant, 

We live authentically.

Choose to be with Me, dear, 

Prepare to live with glee, 

For love brings forth its miracles,

Astonished, constantly! 

Stay open for the goodness,

Blessings, never done, 

Living love God’s meaning,

In joy, we live, as One. 

In closing, let Me share again, 

My promise you have known, 

I am with you always, 

You are not alone !


01/28/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.