Preparing For Departure

Friday, January 12, 2024

Preparing For Departure

When it’s time to leave, dear one, 

You’ll have an exit plan,

Prepared with Me, in detail,

To complete your full life-span. 

It won’t be a surprise, a fluke,

A happenstance ordeal, 

’Twill be the natural ending point, 

Of physical life, so real.

Let shards of fear be gone, dear, 

When driving, feeling ill, 

Replace them with love’s joining,

You’re following God’s Will.

We’ll have everything in order, 

No confusion left behind,

You’ll make transition easy, 

 For loved ones there to find. 

Your time on earth soon over, 

Why postpone that final day?

Listen dear, and follow, 

 I’m with you all the way. 

Still time to write these messages, 

These poetry lines in verse, 

Still time to witness to My love, 

Good News to all, disperse.

Relax and don’t get anxious, 

Death, it has no sting,

Bask in Love’s sweet Presence, 

Peace and joy ‘twill bring!

And when you say your last goodbye,

To those you love on earth, 

You’ll turn and say ‘Hello’ to those, 

Who welcome your rebirth! 

A life, a love, a presence,

A point of light you be, 

Now dear, and forever, 

Shine forth, radiently!

01/12/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of his website.