Palm Sunday, A Celebratory Day

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday, A Celebratory Day

The Bible relates that this day I rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and was heralded as a king by the people there. Always, I was accompanied by spiritual guidance from my Father, and I was listening to the Voice for Truth each step of the way. I was not without the certainty of my divine parentage and the certainty of my mission as I was so triumphantly met there by those people that I loved and who loved me. \

Circumstances changed, and as the week progressed I was charged with heresy and condemned to death.  Still, I was continuously in communication with my Father and I was given the certainty of purpose and of love and that I was not alone going through all the harrowing events that followed.

Why am I relaying this today in this message? What can be gleaned from it that is relevant to you right now, dear one? Well, it is this. No matter what you are going through, the joy and the highs of life, or the life threatening and anxiety filled times you may go through, and all the times in between, you have Me there to be with you. I am there intertwined with you at all times, in any circumstances and am there with you through it all. 

You have the certainty of my love and of my guidance to lead you triumphantly forward however this pertains to you. You, too, have the Father/Mother God as your parentage and you too, can know fully that you are divine, a child of Source with all that your Source has  for you there. 

The lesson of Palm Sunday is that we too, can live triumphantly, knowing that we are accompanied by the Transcendent Mindset as we do so open to it. We can rejoice in this gift of togetherness and the Oneness of our Source always. I love you dearly and know that you are never alone!

A Poem About Lent

Many choose this time of year,

To center thoughts ‘round Me, 

Harkening to the desert time, 

I lived in austerity. 

The Bible states ‘twas forty days, 

I fasted and withdrew, 

Let go of bodily comforts,  

From people that I knew. 

This time was meant for joining

With God—to learn and live,

That resurrection was the gift, 

My death was meant to give.

The Bible states the devil, 

Tempted Me, times three, 

To use my powers for Myself, 

To forget God’s will for Me. 

Never would I do this, 

I came for everyone, 

Then and now and evermore,

’Til All awakening’s done. 

Let Lent, this time proceeding

My death—which has no sting,

Be a time of joining, 

With Me, pure joy will bring.

We’ll sing out Easter morning,

Glad resurrection’s sound!

My life and yours, eternal, 

With love, forever bound! 

In closing, let Me tell you,

I’m directly within, my dear,  

You need not wait ’til Easter, 

Right now, call Me, I’m here! 


03/24/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.