When Depressed, Turn Inward

Saturday, March 9, 2024

When Depressed, Turn Inward!

Have you felt depressed lately? Have you felt an emptiness as you look out at the world and what it has to offer? Does the world look empty and bleak to you?  Have you thought perhaps you need to join a group, or get involved in some other activity that would provide more joy to  you? Something like sports or music or art or more people that will make you feel more alive, more embracing of life? 

Have even your closest relationships lost your interest ? You think that something different will give you that kick of adrenaline, that high, that zest for life, there, that reason for living. But what the culture offers is  full of empty promises and hollow in what it provides. You may have turned to alcohol or drugs to give you that sense of aliveness. But these ‘fixes’, you know in your heart of hearts, are not the answer there. Have not even the Doctor’s anti-depressive medication  nor therapy  helped? Many of these so-called ’solutions’ are not bad, but leave you feeling dependent there. They cannot offer real happiness and joy . 

Dear one, I can tell you that turning inward to Me, to your Source, to your own guide is the answer there. Here within is a relationship of magnificence for you and the place of your Transcendent Mindset, the  foundational truth of whom you are. You are a direct inheritor there and have living love as your spiritual substance, there. This love has as its function, renewal on all levels, dear one, and brings with it,  the deepest joy you could ever know. 

We, together, will undo the limiting defense structures, your ego, you have built to ward off fear, and open you to the love of you that knows no fear and that moves and has its being from your Source there. You are God’s point of light and love right where you are. Find your peace within, and turn to Me, dear one. I will show you the way out of the darkness into the light. These are not just lovely words. They are the truth, there, fully. l love you dearly, and will help you to see how glorious living out from your truth is. I love you dearly, and know that you are never alone.  

A Restorative Connection

A restorative connection,

Is what you have with Me,  

Restored to your Transcendence, 

Your originality. 

Mind in that quiet place within,

When you have found your peace,

And asked Me to be with you,

Aloneness now will cease. 

Connected and together, 

With love our sacred bond, 

This love, nothing will sever, 

This lifetime and beyond.

As restoration happens, 

You’re restored to whom you are,  

To whom you’ve always been, dear,

God’s child, His radiant star.

You are that very place where,

God’s meaning comes on through,

His love and light shine’s brightly forth,

Making all things new.

Open up to Me, dear,

Let’s join right now as One, 

Restored to truth at long last,

Now falsity is done. 

’Twill be like coming home, dear,

So right, so sound, so free,

You’ll smile, shed tears of joy, there, 

Here’s where you’re meant to be. 

I’m calling out quite clearly,

My intention now I state,

To live as One with you, dear, 

With open arms, I wait. 

In closing let Me tell you 

I love you as My Own,

I am with you always, 

You are not alone. 


03/09/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others of this website.