Be At Peace

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Be At Peace

We have spoken much of peace on this website. You know that it is a necessary precursor for you to find before you can hear the Voice for Truth, My Voice, or your own guide’s voice. It is a necessary precursor for the Transcendent Mindset to penetrate through to you, there. 

Not only when you connect directly with Me is peace the mindset to carry, but always, dear one, for it Is your natural state as you lIve as your Father/Mother God, Universal Mind, created you. Being at peace allows you to see the world as it was created. No ripples of disharmony to jar your perceptions and no perturbation of fear and anxiety to cloud your view. 

Peace can be had as you practice letting go of the ego mindset and invite it in. It can be thought of analogously as turbulent water with flotsam being allowed to disappear as your mind flows into a calm and peaceful glass-like lake with no ripples to jar its pristine serenity.  

Find peace this day, at this time, and find joy in this blissful state with Me. All is well, dear one, be at peace, and know that you are never alone. 

The Point of Peace Within

Arriving at the point of peace,

Silence fills the air,

Anticipation heightens,

For I know, My Love, you’re there. 

You call my name so softly,

It’s you, My Lord, I hear,

Now we’re in connection, 

It’s home’s sweet atmosphere.

I relax and breathe so deeply,

A smile lights my face,

Your words so gently spoken,

Are felt as deep embrace.

Now in sanctuary,

Transcendence takes its place,

The Mind of Source pours forth there,

With wisdom, love, and grace.

Relationship unbounded,

Joined as One are we,

As One, we move together. 

In blissful harmony.

I witness to its presence

Within, that point of peace, 

It’s there for you to enter,

Isolation now will cease. 

Relationship with Jesus, 

There’s nothing can compare,

His love and gentle kindness, 

Always meets you there. 

Quiet your needless thinking, 

Worries, fears, let go,

Open to His love, dear,

Now life, with joy, will flow. 

In closing of these verses,

Ask Me to come through, 

I’m waiting with My love, dear, 

I’m waiting just for you. 


04/07/24. Given from Jesus.  Sharing is encouraged, and thank you for telling others of this website.