Making the Adjustments

Monday, April 15, 2024

Making the Adjustments

I am there to help you as you are called on to make the adjustments in your life as circumstances change. You may have gone along smoothly for a long time, and then suddenly you are faced with a health concern, a money concern, a relationship issue or some other upset to your comfort or routine.

 Changes are called for and this is truly a time for my involvement and my help there. I will guide you through the upset, dear one, and be with you as you are faced with challenges that call for adjustments. Sometimes these can be major.

 Life with Me is easier and more peaceful, for you know you are moving to the Transcendent Mindset there. Life on earth still has its problems and its challenges, but truly, I am there to help you, guide you, and give you the solid foundation of truth to live out from. 

Together, we will get through to the other side of your problem, your challenge, and together, we will feel into the solidarity of love. I am with you and indeed, I will show you the way. Stay in tune and in touch with Me and let the light of living love lead us through. You are never alone, dear one, truly you are never alone. 

 Issues Of the Body

My involvement is not limited,

To what’s termed ‘spiritual’ there,

All aspects of your life, dear,

I bring God’s Light to bear. 

You view your physical body, 

As heavy, achy, plain,

Age has left its mark there, 

Especially in weight gain.

Don’t turn to so-called experts,

The diet guru kind, 

Turn to Me for answers, 

Bring your Transcendent Mind!

Expect a new perspective, 

For as love is brought to bear, 

The world’s view now is gone, dear, 

Your body’s cherished, there! 

And as you let love leadeth, 

It transforms, makes all right, 

Now correction you beholdeth, 

As God’s View clears your sight! 

Listen to My guidance, 

In this, as in all things, 

Sweet harmony and peace, dear, 

In truth, ‘tis what love brings. 

Healing and redemption,

Each day you are brand new, 

Call My name I’ll answer, 

And love will transform you!


04/15/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.