Soul Satisfaction

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Soul Satisfaction

No more do you feel longing,

Well met, your every need,

Joyful in each moment,

Soul satisfied, indeed!

Now that your heart is full. dear, 

Let’s let it overflow, 

So living love abundant,

Spills out, so others know, 

The joy of love’s completion, 

That I’m within, so near,  

Of peace beyond all measure, 

Tell them, show them, dear. 

Soul satisfaction, full, complete, 

Released, the ego’s spin,

You emanate from God, dear, 

Transcendent Mind within. 

So as you are with others,

Don’t  hesitate to show, 

Join with Me, I’ll lead you, 

In letting others know. 

Let this be your mission, 

You have so much to share, 

Tell the world i’m right within, 

Soul’s satisfaction’s there. 

Each day, entwined, we live, dear, 

Complete, no thing’s amiss,

It’s in this sweet togetherness, 

We share our deepest bliss.

I close these verses now, dear, 

Satisfaction’s in our Soul,

Joined with God’s Great Movement

Perfect, Free, and Whole. 

04/02/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.