The Movement of Creation

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Movement of Creation

The movement of creation,

’Tis not far off, but near, 

Love, God’s potent energy, 

Creates anew right here!

When mind and heart are heavy,

When joy seems far away,

Join and feel My love, there, 

’Twill lighten up the day.

Love melts away the glumness, 

Brings its light to bear, 

Shines on our relationship,

Which has such meaning there!

No longer felt alone, dear, 

Bound as One are we,

Remembering our love shared, 

Brings forth Transcendency! 

Newness fills our heart space, 

Creation sings its song, 

Joined as One together, 

We’re home where we belong. 

So go about your day, dear, 

Love will accompany you, 

Joined as one forever, 

Behold, all things are new! 

04/10/24. Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.