What More Can Be Said?

Friday, April 5, 2024

What More Can be Said?

That’s like asking, what more does life have to offer? It is only in the living of it that one will find out. It is only as you quiet your thinking mindset and ask for the Transcendent view that the more of what can be said will come through. It is not something that can be answered before hand. 

Since the function of living love is to make all things new, there will always be newness to share, to experience, and to live out from. Experience this newness in peace, dear one, and do not be overwhelmed by what comes forth. You will never be faced with too much change or newness, too much to adjust to, or too much to take in at one time. 

Turn within to Me, and together we will allow for the penetration of what is occurring to be felt in you and the necessary adjustments emotionally and internally to be made. I am there to help you in this, and so, turn to Me as your life becomes filled with the necessary change that God would have for you. 

Always I am there to guide you through, dear one, and to be by your side as you experience these things. Know that you are deeply loved and abided with and that I am with you all the way. Trust that these words are true and call My Name now, to assure you that all is well and truly, you are not alone ever. 

Every Day Brand New

Everything that happens,

Truly is God’s will, 

Mysteriously unfolding,

His purpose to fulfill.

Trust is what is called for, 

When you don’t understand, 

Stay open for My guidance, 

To see what God has planned. 

Far beyond your knowing, 

Transcendent Mind sees All, 

Step by step I’ll guide you, 

We’ll answer to Love’s call. 

Your life impacts all others,

Not solo do you go, 

Joined as One forever,

As One Great Love we flow. 

So when you question ‘why,’ there, 

When you don’t know what to do,

Turn it o’er to Me, dear, 

I’ll guide you to what’s true. 

You’ll gain an understanding,

You’ll feel a great relief, 

For following My guidance,

For trusting your belief. 

Mysterious and wonderful,

Life opens up for you, 

Living love, God’s meaning, 

Every day, brand new!


04/05/24.  Given from Jesus. Sharing is encouraged and thank you for telling others of this website.